Let exercise bring you health, happiness & JOY !
#Exercise for #health & #happinessAmplifeied
If you don't recognize it or can't pronounce it, don't eat it!
Lower back pain? Get chiropractic to adjust the problem.
Be with people who reveal your value and believe in you. Like and Share to remind others that they are too.
Car accidents can damage and misalign your neck and shoulder bones. If you have been even in a accident you should see your chiropractor for an assessment.
Connect with the intricacies of your creation. Your design is right...may you experience it with immense Peace.
There's no better investment than your health! Put in the time and effort now for life long dividends.
Do you consider yourself open minded in your approach to health and wellness?
And it is those signals from the spine that feed the brain
Have you switched to diet soda in an attempt to lose some weight? Not so fast! You'll probably want to reconsider after reading this article - http://www.prevention.com/food/healthy-eating-tips/diet-soda-bad-you
The first two letters of goal are GO. Respect yourself enough to get going on your goals!
Treasure and take great care of your health.
The article writer doesn't realize the high fructose corn syrup was processed with mercury. Interesting that NY wants to ban soda like cigarettes
If your driveway looks like this, we know you need an adjustment!
#Chiropractic sends specific signals to the brain to make it work better
Spinal adjustments serve to re-establish signals to the brain
Stimulating the spine sends signals to the brain to improve health, choose chiropractic!
Remember, maintaining a healthy body requires a positive mental attitude.
February is the month that our vitamin D levels are at their lowest. If you're not able to get out in the sunlight, eggs and fish are high in vitamin D.
It's not too soon to start planning your garden. If you're interested in organic gardening, this article has some great tips for beginners! http://www.organicgardening.com/learn-and-grow/beginners-guide-organic-gardening
Happy Valentines Day! Who can name this heart healthy fruit?
A colorful diet is a healthy diet. Include a variety of colorful, fresh, whole fruits and vegetables each day.
In the past, people who chose to breast feed, exercise daily, meditate, take vitamins, and/or go to the chiropractor on a regular basis would be scoffed at for being "health nuts." Today, it is the people who do not participate in these types of activities who are considered to be out of step.
If your lifestyle does not include enough motion, your body cannot function efficiently.
Smoked out at CVS. The retailer plans to end sales on all tobacco products by October 1st!
The benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day include a lower BMI, reduced waist size, and increased energy.