Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wellness for life - Humans. Machines?

Hereby announcing my website with lots of updates and information.

Sten Ekberg D.C.
Alpharetta, Ga 30005
404-409-3959 (call any time)

Hi everybody.

I'm Sten Ekberg and my mission and passion is to make a difference by helping raise the awareness about what health is. How the human body-mind-spirit works and interacts, and to help stop the insanity that is flooding the world today.

Human beings are amazing in their complexity and their abilities, but we are also very vulnerable being taken over by our minds and our egos at which point we stop thinking for ourselves and simply react by subconsciously calling upon old behavioral programs.

One of the main areas where we need to become aware is when it comes to health and health care.

In the United States the "health care" industry is a $2 trillion behemoth, yet if we look at the state of affairs honestly, Americans are far from healthy. As a matter of fact, the “health care system” is the number one cause of death in the US. By estimates from published articles in peer reviewed medical journals, almost 1 million people die every year from medical intervention. (Drug prescriptions, side effects, drug interactions, unnecessary surgeries, surgical mistakes, hospital infections etc.)That is the equivalent of 6 fully loaded jumbo jets crashing every day with no survivors.

How is this possible? There are several possible explanations.

1. The "health care" system is not trying to get anybody healthy.
2. The "health care" system does not know what health is or how it works.
3. The health care system has turned in to a self serving money making machine, that makes more money if you're sick.
4. It needs more money to find cures.

I am not so cynical that I think there is an evil master brain behind all this, however, when people are ignorant and unaware there are always monetary interests present that will take advantage of them, even with a lot of well-meaning people involved.

In my opinion the "health care" system is just mislabeled. It is really a "disease care" system that has overstepped its bounds. It is an excellent emergency intervention system that is merely used for the wrong thing 90% of the time. We need to understand that while the “health care” system is your best bet and a blessing to survive a crisis, it has nothing to do with health. It doesn’t really even have a concept of what health is. There are no courses on health in medical school. That does not make the medical system bad. We just need to understand what it is and what it isn’t.

Let me define health. Health is balance, or homeostasis, which means keeping things the same. Homeostasis depends on sufficiency of nutrients and building blocks, purity of the cells and tissues, and communication. The only difference between a live person and a body that died two minutes ago is that the signals of intelligence that are flowing in the live person have ceased in the corpse. Life therefore is signals of communication. Health is sufficiency, purity, and communication. Disease is deficiency, toxicity and distorted signals. Unless there has been a recent trauma, the body part is not the problem.

We need to take responsibility for our health by learning what it is. We have access to enormous amounts of information today. We can learn how it works, but we need to get philosophically grounded and look for principles, otherwise we'll get drowned in a useless avalanche of details.

There are a few basic problems.

As a culture, we don't understand what health is. We think that it is absence of symptoms. We take an aspirin for a headache because we think the body is stupid and it just started hurting at random, because it had nothing better to do. If we understood that the headache has a cause, we would see it as a message and try to figure out why it developed. The body is intelligent, it does not create random pain.

We have been brain washed into believing in the supremacy of DNA. That you get a certain combination of genes at birth and they determine everything about you and you're stuck with what ever you have/are. This in turns creates a victim mentality, hopelessness and a lack of responsibility. After all if DNA runs the show and you're stuck with what you have, why bother trying. This is basically a complete lie because the DNA does not read itself anymore than a blue print reads itself and erects a building.

We have been brain washed into thinking that we are a machine. That you are just a collection of body parts that has randomly developed life and behavior. If you don't believe me just go online and look up any so-called disease or condition, and the article will describe in great detail how the parts have failed. None of the articles will talk very much about you, because you have been reduced to a collection of parts.

I just spent some time reading a few such articles on back pain, and all of them talked about various body parts that were defective, while none of them included the person as a factor. And they all concluded that we don't really know why people get back pain.

They all say that the causes are unknown, then they keep describing all the details of the body parts that are deficient, while they look at more details so they can describe more of what's not working that has unknown causes.

All the while the whole being the human has the built in capacity to heal it.

I get a mixed feeling of amusement and desperation, when I see the banners on all the cars pleading to collect more money so we can find a cure for cancer and diabetes and lupus etc.

First of all because medical science has yet to cure a single thing. Secondly because the body has had the ability to cure it all along. The body is the only thing that can cure anything.

The Indian poet Rumi said this perhaps as well as anyone ever has many years ago.

I have lived on the lip of insanity,

wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door.

It opens.

I've been knocking
from the inside.

The answer was there all along, just like all answers, including cures for diseases are already built-in.

There is not a single condition that a human has not recovered from. That means the mechanism for healing is built in.
That is what holism means. You have to look at the whole person.

I could go on for days and I will at some point, but let me stop here for now and wait for some input.

If you have specific conditions that you want to learn more about, please post something, but understand that this is not a forum for diagnosing or treating any disease or condition. Legally that belongs in the domain of the health care system, where medical doctors can provide a label for you. What I can do is to help you understand why it developed and what you can do in addition to whatever treatment you're currently doing to help the body heal from within.

Please help me on the quest to raise awareness and stop the insanity.

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