Monday, December 30, 2013

Try Media-Free for a Better Life!

Try Media-Free for a Better Life!

Try Media-Free for a Better Life! Consider how many hours are wasted amusing ourselves watching television! Have you noticed changes in your children’s personalities — increased irritability, impatience, even hostility? Or have you seen them even in yourself? Do you notice that time seems to fly away from you, and that the contentment and peace you once cherished appears to have vanished? Try looking at the amount of time you and your families spend ingesting the output of our major media: television, radio, even printed materials. And if a little voice tells you those could be the guilty parties, try a radical concept that’s gaining popularity: go media-free for a trial period of thirty or forty days. How Does the...Read More

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. - Calvin Coolidge

New Year, New You

New You Fitness Idea: Yoga integrates mind, body, & spirit & enhances health in many ways.

New Year, New You

New You Fitness Idea: Yoga integrates mind, body, and spirit and enhances health in many ways.

Keep the Connection Strong

Keep the Connection Strong

Your nervous system is related to every aspect of your wellness. Keep it healthy with chiropractic.

Recipe of the Month: Beet Brownies

Here's a tasty recipe for you.. build some betaine into your brownies for a healthier treat!

Recipe of the Month: Beet Brownies

Build some betaine into your brownies for a healthier treat!

Success In School… Success In Life

Success In School… Success In Life

It’s back to school time and loving parents everywhere are thinking about how they can help their kids succeed in school and in life. Billions of dollars and countless hours are spent on private schools, tutoring, sports activities, computer programs, music lessons and even medications. It’s not just for struggling kids; it’s high achievers as well. I feel for the kids who are overscheduled and overstressed and don’t have time to just be kids. I feel for the parents, overwhelmed with what can be contradictory information, and trying to keep up with what society say is absolutely necessary. The truth is, that while any of these activities may benefit the child, this “outside-in” approach will not...Read More

Start With 5 a Day

You should be eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day!

Start With 5 a Day

You should be eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day!

Learn to listen to your body‘s messages

Learn to listen to your body‘s messages

I no longer push through pain. I listen to my body's messages.

Holiday eating can bring joy ~ it's temporary....

Holiday eating can bring joy ~ it's temporary....


May your 2014 be your healthiest, brightest and...

May your 2014 be your healthiest, brightest and...


"To Be Or Not To Be"...

"To Be Or Not To Be"...

It's not "because of" your Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, Kids, Job being too busy, or any other excuse, rationalization or justification you give for not living a health lifestyle. It's only about your choice! Choose a better lifestyle that includes healthy nutrition, daily exercise, mindfulness, and, don't look past including Chiropractic. Start Today for a Healthier Tomorrow....Aspire to Evolve your Health...Elan Vitale!

Aerodinámicamente, el abejorro no debería ser...

Aerodinámicamente, el abejorro no debería ser...


Aerodynamically, Bumble bees shouldn't be able...

Aerodynamically, Bumble bees shouldn't be able...


Your choices point in one direction or the other.

Hopeful that you choose the courage to LIVE well!

Your choices point in one direction or the other.

Hopeful that you choose the courage to LIVE well!

Chiropractic can Help You

Chiropractic can Help You

Many of us will not make a New Year's Resolution, but this is the time of year when most of us reflect on the past year and look forward to the next.  How will you make 2014 better than 2013?   Will you build better relationships, pray more, eat better, more reading less TV, smile more, ..?  Whatever you choose, chiropractic can help!  We know the healthier you are, the better decisions you make.  Let's face it when you feel better, you are happier.  When you feel better, you exercise more.  When you feel better, you smile more.  Thank you for making Chiropractic part of your New Year.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Here's Some Food for Thought

Your body cannot be healthy and strong if you don’t feed it properly.

Here's Some Food for Thought

Every single cell in your body is made up from the material that you put into your mouth. Just as a house cannot be strong if it is made with poor materials, your body cannot be healthy and strong if you don’t feed it properly.

Respira! Profundamente!

Respira! Profundamente!

Respira! Profundamente! Tendemos la tendencia de respirar superficialmente...respirando profundamente es MUCHO mas sano!



CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE! Sometimes things look so dark, and if we just look at them from a different angle we can actually breath, smile and enjoy ourselves! When things look bad, take a moment to look at them from a different may be pleasantly surprised at what you find!




Your body is amazingly intelligent - it knows...

Your body is amazingly intelligent - it knows...

#innerhealer #chiropracticcare

Nearly Half Of Americans Get Less Than...

Nearly Half Of Americans Get Less Than...

Two in five Americans don't get the recommended seven or more hours of sleep a night, according to a new Gallup report. Gallup researchers surveyed 1,031 U.S. adults and found that 59 percent of Americans reported getting seven or more hours of sleep in a typical night in 2013. This number has not changed dramatically since 1990 (when 57 percent of Americans said they got seven or more hours of sleep a night). However, the figure is a stark contrast to 1942, when 84 percent of...Read More

In A World Of Constant Digital Distractions,...

In A World Of Constant Digital Distractions,...

For all the ways technology saves us time, it's also left us more distracted -- and in many cases less productive -- than ever before. We're so used to the siren song of a blinking Gchat box, email alert or little red Facebook notification interrupting our work, our conversations, and our leisure time that we may not even notice how much time is being lost to our devices. Experts say that technology zaps focus , and research has suggested that it may be hindering the function of the...Read More

Light Boxes At Bar, Cafe Help Those In Pacific...

Light Boxes At Bar, Cafe Help Those In Pacific...

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Saturday marks the shortest day of the year — the pinnacle of dread for people who feel depressed when there's less sunshine. When they go out for a drink or coffee in the dreary wintertime Pacific Northwest, they could also order up a dose of something else entirely: a few rays of bright light. Designed to mimic sunlight, light boxes are now being featured at a bar in Portland and a cafe in Seattle to help those with seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, an...Read More

Choose The Healthiest Greens

Choose The Healthiest Greens



You deserve it. So does your family! So do your friends!


You deserve it. So does your family! So do your friends!

May 2014 be your healthiest year YET!

May 2014 be your healthiest year YET!





Vitality at every life stage!

Vitality at every life stage!

It's never too late and you're never too old to focus on your vitality and wellbeing. 

Life Blessings

We hope your holidays are filled with all kinds of blessings!

Life Blessings

We hope your holidays are filled with all kinds of blessings!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chiropractic Helps Reduce Stress

You are in good hands with a licensed chiropractor

Chiropractic Helps Reduce Stress

You are in good hands with a licensed chiropractor!

Unhealthiest Foods For Holidays: What To Eat...

Unhealthiest Foods For Holidays: What To Eat...

Regina Boyle Wheeler ; Medically reviewed by Niya Jones, MD, MPH Consider this: The average American puts on about a pound between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. That might sound small, but unfortunately, that pound typically isn’t lost during the rest of the year, so holiday weight gain adds up over time. You may think it's hard to stick to a healthy diet plan during the holidays — fattening and rich holiday food is part of almost every celebration. Even so, you can...Read More

An Apple A Day To Keep Strokes And Heart Attack...

An Apple A Day To Keep Strokes And Heart Attack...

An apple a day really might keep the doctor away. A new study in the British Medical Journal using mathematical models suggests that if adults ages 50 and older were to eat an apple a day , 8,500 heart attack and stroke deaths in the U.K. could be prevented each year. In addition, the number of lives saved from eating an apple each day seems to be about the same as if people over age 50 were prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin drug. The study, conducted by...Read More

Brené Brown: How To Live With Uncertainty

Brené Brown: How To Live With Uncertainty

By Brené Brown I'm currently trying to make some changes in my career -- and travel a lot less -- so I can spend more time with my family and explore new creative endeavors. I have no idea how this will work -- and I hate that! Which means I'm now compulsively polling my friends: What do you think? Is this crazy? But there's a fine line between asking for suggestions and desperately grasping for answers nobody else can offer. Uncertainty makes us feel vulnerable, so we...Read More

7 Things You Don't Know About Colds

7 Things You Don't Know About Colds

By Corrie Pikul You know the germiest places in every room and could write a tutorial on hand washing, but you'll still be surprised by the sneaky ways colds affect us. You're more likely to pick up germs from a keypad than a used tissue. If your sniffly friend wants to show you photos of her toddler on her phone, offer to hold her purse while she does the scrolling. Droplets of moisture containing cold-causing viruses get dispersed (and thus, neutralized) on tissues,...Read More

Does Chewing Gum Make Migraine Headaches Worse...

Does Chewing Gum Make Migraine Headaches Worse...

If your teen is an avid gum-chewer but also experiences migraine headaches, perhaps he or she should try quitting the habit, a small new study suggests. Tel Aviv University researchers conducted an experiment on 25 teen girls and five teen boys, with a median age of 16, who all got chronic headaches (most of them migraine-like). They were lumped into four groups based on the amount of time they spent chewing gum every day, and then all of them were asked to stop chewing gum for one...Read More

12 Weight Loss Resolutions You Shouldn't Make

12 Weight Loss Resolutions You Shouldn't Make

By Dana Leigh Smith Get this: 30 percent of all New Year's resolutions are broken before February, according to a poll by the time management firm Franklin Covey. "People tend to fall off the weight-loss wagon so quickly because their goals are unrealistic," says Toby Amidor, a registered dietitian based in New York City. "When people feel as though they've failed, they tend to throw in the towel for good instead of giving their resolution another shot." Here, four of the...Read More

How Do I Teach My Daughter to Love Her Body?

How Do I Teach My Daughter to Love Her Body?

How do I teach my daughter to love her body? Good question, I don't know. It's actually terrifying. I have no experience liking my body before age 29 . I failed in elementary school. I bombed in high school. College was a blurry mess. I can't sit here and pretend to have any idea how to make sure a young person today could possibly navigate the social media world we live in without constantly being bullied to the edge... and then pushed over . Sometimes when Gigi is sleeping,...Read More

Antibacterial Soap Risks May Outweigh Benefits,...

Antibacterial Soap Risks May Outweigh Benefits,...

In response to concerns that widespread use of antibacterial soaps may be fueling a rise in superbugs, manufacturers will soon have to meet stricter requirements showing long-term safety, U.S. regulators said Monday. Antibacterial soap-makers would also have to show that their products are more effective than plain soap at preventing illness and the spread of infections, said the proposed rule by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The products typically contain the chemicals...Read More




Take A Winter Walk

Take A Winter Walk

Check out these winter walking tips!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Are you wanting to change your eating habits...

Eat real food - Don't eat processed foods

Are you wanting to change your eating habits...

This simple dietary guideline is the best one yet!

Get your power turned on!

Get your power turned on!


Stay Hydrated

Eating fruits & veggies high in water content to fight off dehydration during dry winter months

Stay Hydrated

Eating fruits and vegetables that are high in water content can help fight off dehydration caused by dry winter air.

Organic, local food is available in winter....

Organic, local food is available in winter....

Organic, local food is available in winter. Look for sweet potato, beets and other root vegetables - in season now.

Stop the Food Fight! How to Keep the Peace...

Stop the Food Fight! How to Keep the Peace...

By Terri Trespicio for meQuilibrium It's the season of eating -- and there's lots to love. Too much, perhaps. We tend to think of holiday eating as having an on/off switch: Either we're going to be really good this year and not eat anything "bad," or we're going to just succumb and eat nonstop, and then live to regret it. There is a middle ground. You can enjoy all the gustatory pleasures that the holidays have to offer without losing control or hating yourself. Try these...Read More

4 Steps to Blast Through the Funky Funks

4 Steps to Blast Through the Funky Funks

I know you know what I mean when I say funky funks... those days when you can't seem to do anything, feel fussy, think life is "meh" and just want to crawl back into bed or spend hours in front of the TV. These days aren't filled with relaxing and rejuvenation, they're filled with funky moods and bleh feelings. Maybe for you it's every evening that you come home from work, exhausted and frustrated. Traffic was a pain, your boss was being a jerk, and you lost a couple hours worth of work...Read More

Bone Broth—One of Your Most Healing Diet Staples

Bone Broth—One of Your Most Healing Diet Staples

By Dr. Mercola According to an old South American proverb, "good broth will resurrect the dead." While that’s undoubtedly an exaggeration, it speaks to the value placed on this wholesome food, going back through the annals of time. The featured article by Dr. Amy Myers 1 lists 10 health benefits of bone broth. Sally Fallon with the Weston A. Price Foundation 2 has previously published information about this healing food as well. First and foremost, homemade bone broth is...Read More

Christmas Foods That Can Help Fight Cancer,...

Christmas Foods That Can Help Fight Cancer,...

There have been plenty of articles telling us how many calories a Christmas dinner or the party food buffet has, but what foods are actually alright when it comes to heart disease and cancer ? And which foods should you studiously avoid? Although there are no simple rules (eg, avoid this and you'll steer clear of cancer), there are informed choices you can make when it comes to preparing the meal and deciding what goes into your mouth. Mariette Abrahams, spokesperson for...Read More

The 5 Rules Of Better, Deeper Sleep

The 5 Rules Of Better, Deeper Sleep

By Nicole Catanese You may think your sleep routine is as simple as PJs on, lights out, but really, most of us are not sleeping correctly. And what's worse, letting proper sleep habits fall by the wayside is one of the easiest ways to put your health at risk. It's time for a re-education: Follow these five simple rules for better, healthier rest. Rule #1: Set a seven-days-a-week schedule. "Regularity is vital -- go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the...Read More

Learn How To Prevent Osteoporosis

Learn How To Prevent Osteoporosis


Are You Gluten Intolerant? Try This Simple Test

Are You Gluten Intolerant? Try This Simple Test

  There is a lot of discussion surrounding wheat and the protein gluten these days. Gluten intolerance. Is it real? Is it a fad? There are definitely people who suffer from gluten/wheat intolerance and there are real diseases like Celiac and chronic inflammation. Many people suffer from autoimmune conditions that can be traced back to gluten and wheat. So what's your opinion? Could you be gluten intolerant? How might it effect you? There are two ways to test for gluten intolerance. A blood test or an elimination diet. While a blood test will confirm gluten sensitivity, an elimination diet will really help you focus on the problem. Here's an easy way to implement the elimination diet into your routine and find out if you're...Read More

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Remove Interference With Chiropractic

Anything that removes or reduces nervous system interference will help to improve your health and quality of life.

Remove Interference With Chiropractic

Anything that removes or reduces nervous system interference will help to improve your health and quality of life.

We were designed to be perfect... Chiropractic...

We were designed to be perfect... Chiropractic...

I think we all agree that it is easier to keep your health than to try to regain it.  Children are perfect when given the chance to thrive.  Imagine what our world would be like it every child began chiropractic care from birth!